How to Get Involved in DU Societies and Clubs at Delhi University

How to Get Involved in DU Societies and Clubs at Delhi University

Delhi University is famous for its extra-curricular activities, and enthusiastic participants from all over DU colleges make these events a one-of-a-kind extravaganza. With quality education in colleges, you get many opportunities to develop co-curricular skills and use them in your higher studies. Multiple DU societies expand all over the colleges in South and North campus respectively which are inclusive of diverse interests that students could have- there are dance societies, drama societies, theatre clubs, MUN clubs, music societies, National Cadet Corps, National Service Scheme, film societies, street play clubs, social media teams, sports teams, North-East cell, research teams, placement cells, debate clubs, etc.

There’s a DU society out there open for every student enrolled in the colleges! In this blog, we give you reasons for why you should definitely be a part of the DU societies along with some tips for joining student societies North Campus with more ease.

Why Should You Join DU Societies?

Adds Weight to Your CV

Being a member, and later on securing a position in the Head Team of societies can be extremely impactful for your resume as it reflects your ability in managing team tasks and displaying your capabilities outside of academics.

Builds Connections and Engages You

The DU societies are very active and participate in competitions all across the academic calendar. Upon joining student societies North campus, you are in a dynamic environment of like-minded people who become a motivation for you to hone your craft.

Helps with Personality Development

The high-spirits of the members of the society and the busy practice sessions are key to developing your interpersonal and social skills; it also helps in teamwork building. Joining student societies North campus not only boosts competitiveness in peers but also ignites respect for others’ works.

All the fun and frolic

Not everything that happens in the clubs is stressful; sometimes, your most unforgettable memories are of the things you do upon joining student societies North campus- organizing events, the chaos while participating, fights with colleagues, farewells, elections, etc.

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How Can You Join DU Societies?

Be Enthusiastic and Look Forward to Becoming a Member

No matter how much you would want to focus on studies; you can not be a DU student and not want to be part of a society. A positive mindset and the desire to join a DU society are the first steps to becoming a member.

Preparing Yourself and Your CV

You should be confident with your achievements and qualities. Be aware of both your weaknesses and strengths and prepare yourself according to that. Be honest about your skills and experiences and make an attractive CV that reflects your work and also your formal personal information.

Apply to as Many Societies as You Can

Some DU societies are very strict with their selection guidelines and you may not make it through their lists. If you face rejection, apply to as many societies as possible to get selected in at least two or three.

1st Round- Forms

The 1st round for joining student societies North campus is usually filling out forms that ask very basic questions like “Why do you want to be part of the society?”, “How can you contribute to the society?”. These questions must be answered truthfully and with creativity so that you stand out. Make your answers short but powerful.

2nd Round- Group Discussions or Task-Based

Here, you would either need to stand out in the GDs by giving compelling answers or viewpoints that can convince the selectors to see in you a passion for the craft, or make the final product of your task resonate the society’s motto and your innovation and imagination.

3rd Round- Personal Interviews

This round may be a little nerve-wracking, but remember that the interviewee had also been in your position and would not be that harsh on you. If you answer honestly with clever replies that hold their attention, you will be loved. Be confident and have good body language and posture; choose words wisely and remember to be yourself.

Don’t Be Everywhere, All at Once

Sometimes, we forget that we also have the academic burden on us and go overboard by being in multiple societies. Joining student societies North campus already divides your time and being in countless DU societies may cause you to not be able to devote yourself soulfully to any one craft.

Be an Active Member

Stay active in DU societies to keep your spot and get recognized. Attend meetings and volunteer regularly to get noticed and appreciated. Also, participate and give your best so that your college and society bags as many awards as it can by your contribution.


DU societies are an incredibly immersive platform for you to discover your hidden talents and refine existing ones. Upon joining student societies North campus, you are in a new world full of inspiring people who make great efforts in the extra-curricular activities and make big careers out of it. If you are already a member, you know how fun it is to be part of a society. If you want to join, don’t wait—reach out to your favorite DU society and enroll today.