Why Is Staying at a Conveniently Located Pg Important?

Why Is Staying at a Conveniently Located Pg Important?

When you start the search for accommodation, a convenient location is the foremost priority. But what does a convenient location include and why is it important? It offers proximity to your institution, it is accessible by public transportations and has amenities for daily needs located nearby. With many more such qualities, a conveniently located PG makes your living comfortable.

Your ideal location for PG should include safety factor, community aspect and access to recreational facilities. Online research and visiting property helps you in surveying the location effectively.

Here are the top reasons that will convince you why location plays a huge role in your accommodation selection.

10 Reasons Why Staying at a Conveniently Located PG is Important:

When you search for accomodation, choose a place that saves your time, money and energy. It must provide a relaxed and comfortable living.

Proximity to Educational and Work Institution

When you decide on a PG location, make sure that the property is located near your institution. Conveniently located PG is the one that makes your commute fast and easy.

Most of the time PG areas are located at the walking distance from colleges and universities. Living in such areas saves your time and money. If you are unable to find a suitable place at walking distance, choose a location from where public transportation can be easily used.

Accessibility to Public Transportation

We know that students and professionals moving to a big city rely heavily on public transportation for commuting or travel. So, choose a location that has public transportations options available nearby.

Many areas have nearby bus stands and metro stations in cities such as Delhi. It saves time, money and energy. You must check the distance to traveling options before making a decision on accommodation.

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Affordable Neighborhood

Your budget is the main factor that determines the location of your PG. For cost effective options, search for accommodations in the affordable neighborhoods. When you begin your research, check the price range of PGs available in various areas. Comparing the neighborhoods depending on location, rent and facilities helps you in making a better decision.

Safe and Secure Environment

Your safety and security is the most important aspect of any accommodation and location. A conveniently located PG provides proximity to institutions and has safety measures. Before making a choice, search online or ask around about the safety reputation of the area. Pay a visit to the property to properly assess the neighborhood.

Flexibility of Going Around

When you do PG hunting, check the flexibility to move around the neighborhood and the proximity to public transportation. Also, survey that markets or shops, medical clinics and ATMs are located nearby to the PG. A busy neighborhood laced with facilities and amenities provides you with the flexibility of moving around.

Sense of Community

When you move to a big city, away from home and family, adjusting can be difficult. In such a situation, the community offers a sense of belonging. So when you look for a PG, choose a closely knit neighborhood. Check the reviews online on public forums and try to interact with tenants in the PGs. It will inform you about the community aspect of the area and whether it will be beneficial for you or not.

Availability of Amenities for Daily Need

When you survey the locations for PG, one of the most important aspects should be amenities. The location must have stores, shops, clinics, eateries and ATMs to fulfill your daily needs. It will make your living experience comfortable if you have all amenities available at a walking distance. It will also save your time and energy.

Saves Time and Money

You will save a lot of time and money by researching and choosing a conveniently located PG. A location near your institution, laced with amenities and facilities, safe neighborhood and freedom to move around checks the boxes for an ideal accommodation. Such factors help you in time management and a comfortable routine.

Indulging in Recreational Activities

Before searching for PG, take note that central or prime locations have recreational spaces located nearby. As a student or professional, you will be going out with friends for entertainment and fun.

You must choose a location that has close proximity to public enjoyment areas such as parks, cafés, malls and movie theaters. It will provide you with fun activities to indulge in with friends or classmates. Investing time in recreational activities keeps your life fun and relaxed.

Opportunities for Socialisation

When you move to a new city, you will find that socialization is important for a great living experience. A busy, student friendly neighborhood provides ample opportunities for making new friends. You must choose an area that has a population similar to your preferences such as students or aspirants or professionals. It will offer opportunities for networking.


The search for accomodation in a new city relies on multiple factors such as your budget, needs and preferences. A conveniently located PG must be able to complete your checklist or atleast most of it. Keep note of the points you read in this article to find yourself an ideal location.

A right location must save your time, money and energy. It must provide you with a comfortable and relaxed environment. After researching online and reading reviews, make sure to visit in person and survey the property yourself. Choosing a perfect location can be a challenge but with little search and knowledge, you can make the best decision.